A Finnish forerunner of the circular economy

Honkajoki Oy is Finland’s leading processor of animal by-products. About 260,000 tons of animal by-products are produced in Finland every year. Almost 80% of these side streams are upcycled by Honkajoki Oy to industrial products according to Finnish and EU regulations.

We manufacture high-quality, clean and safe products from the by-products of meat production for our customers working in various industries. At the same time, we give ingredients from the food chain a new life as commodities, which can be used as new raw materials in, for example, animal feed, fertilizers and biofuels.

59 M€


6,3 %

Net income



66,8 %

Self-sufficiency rate

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As Finland’s largest processor of animal by-products from the food industry, we want to be a world leader in responsibility in our industry. We utilize 100% of the side streams we receive and our operations generate no organic waste at all. Honkajoki Oy’s operating model is indeed one of the cleanest and most energy-efficient concepts for handling animal by-products, even when viewed internationally.

Circular economy concept

Our circular economy concept combines responsible circular economy thinking, agroecology principles and technological innovations. The goal is to recycle and to add value to materials as efficiently as possible, and minimize or even prevent losses and waste.

Our values

At the center of our operations are our company’s values, which create the basis for all our operations.


Our operations are fair and transparent in all areas of our business.

Environmental friendliness

We operate in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and agroecology.


We continuously invest in the development of our products and services.

Growth orientation

We aim at a leading position in all areas of our business.


We see to the coping and well-being of our employees in their day-to-day lives.

Honkajoki Oy’s operations are certified according to ISO and EU standards

The world’s strictest standards and high ethics guide our operations and what we do. As a Finnish company, we adhere to the strictest standards in the world. This way we can guarantee that all our products are clean and that environmental resources are used as sustainably as possible. Our customers can use nutrient-rich raw materials in their business safely and responsibly.

Read more about us and our values

ISO 9001:2015
Management System
ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System
Occupational Health and Safety Management
International Sustainabilty and Carbon Certificate
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation

Download certificates (.zip)

Circular economy for a more sustainable tomorrow

Read more about our products

Sustainable circular economy products replace virgin raw materials and thus save limited natural resources.

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