In the quest for superior quality feed or pet food ingredients, the focus is increasingly on methods and environmental conditions that contribute to the excellence of raw materials. A key factor in this equation is the hygiene control of ingredients. High quality ingredients are pivotal in pet food production, offering high protein content and essential nutrients vital for the health and well-being of animals. What sets apart some of the most pristine and safe ingredients in the market today is not just the stringent processing standards they undergo but also the unique advantages provided by their geographical origin.
Cold climate provides benefits in hygiene control
One of the unsung heroes in ensuring the quality and safety of these ingredients is the cold northern climate, particularly as experienced in Finland. In 2023 year, the average temperature in Finland was in average 3,2°C. This cool climate plays a crucial role in the quality of the product, especially since side streams from meat and poultry production are brought into the process within 24 hours. The colder temperatures naturally inhibit the growth of pathogens and spoilage bacteria, ensuring that the raw materials entering the production process are of high quality due to reduced bacterial activity.
Finland’s exemplary efforts in salmonella control
Finland’s approach to maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety in poultry production is commendable. The country has implemented a special control program against Salmonella, a testament to its commitment to producing safe and high-quality ingredients for pet food and feed. This program includes rigorous checks and controls that exceed standard requirements, ensuring that the risk of contamination is minimized.
Moreover, the European Union has recognized Finland’s exemplary efforts in Salmonella control, granting it special guarantees that acknowledge the country’s low prevalence of this pathogen. This special feature not only highlights Finland’s success in managing this aspect of food safety but also provides an added layer of assurance to producers and consumers alike regarding the quality of Finnish poultry products.
Minimal use of antibiotics
Another noteworthy aspect of Finland is that it is among the countries in the EU and in the whole world that use the least amount of veterinary antimicrobials in food producing animals. Thirteenth ESVAC report reported the sales by different antibiotic classes in European countries and
Here you can find statistics about consumption of antimicrobials in food-producing animals in different EU-countries.
Table 1. Sales for food-producing animals (mg/PCU) by antibiotic class in 31 European countries
(Adjusted from Table 4 page 27 from thirteenth ESVAC report).
Tetracyclines | Amphenicols | Penicillins | Macrolides | Totals
mg/PCU |
Finland | 2,6 | 0,2 | 8,2 | 0,2 | 14,9 |
Totals in 31 European countries (mg/PCU) | 17,4 | 2,0 | 24,2 | 6,3 | 73,9 |
Median in 31 European countries (mg/PCU) | 11,4 | 0,9 | 10,3 | 3,9 | 45,8 |
Antibiotics are not used in broiler farms at all, reflecting a broader trend of low medical use in production animals. This practice is crucial for preventing the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, ensuring that the poultry meals and feather meals produced in Finland are not only nutritious but also safe for consumption.
The combination of a naturally cold climate, stringent Salmonella monitoring, special EU guarantees, and minimal antibiotic use places Finnish feather meal and poultry meal at the forefront of hygienic and safe pet food ingredients. For pet food and fish feed producers, utilizing these high-quality ingredients means they can offer products that are not only nutritious but also aligned with the growing consumer demand for sustainable and responsibly produced pet foods.
We are committed to sustainability
At Honkajoki Ltd, sustainability is at the core of our operations. We’re committed to reducing our environmental footprint, supporting local communities, and ensuring the well-being of our employees. Leveraging Finland’s unique climate, we minimize energy use and champion a circular economy by transforming local by-products into premium feed and pet food ingredients. Our efforts contribute to a greener planet and healthier pets, aligning with the growing global demand for sustainable and ethically produced goods.
Why Honkajoki Ltd as your supplier in a nutshell?
The unique advantages of Finland’s cold climate and strict health and safety protocols, combined with Honkajoki Ltd’s unwavering commitment to sustainability, position our Finnish poultry products as the premier choice for top-tier pet food or feed production. Our strategy capitalizes on the inherent preservative qualities of our cold climate, simultaneously reducing our ecological footprint and bolstering local communities. This comprehensive approach not only enhances the nutritional content of pet foods but also meets the increasing consumer demand for responsibly manufactured products, contributing to a healthier planet and the well-being of pets.